Testing of the Terraform code

Testing of the Terraform code

Terraform is so good and popular, and community developed so many various providers for it, that it's suitable not only from Infrastructure as a Code (IaC), but also for configuration management. For example, with Zabbix provider, you can almost completely control that monitoring tool, and with Azure DevOps provider, it's possible to offload the control over CI/CD tool into Terraform code!

As a result, Terraform configurations increasing in size, using many different tricks, code practices, etc., that it's becoming necessary to look over TF files in automation mode, i.e. to test Terraform code against errors and styles.

Terraform (en)

  • Hits: 2087

Develop and distribute Powershell module

Develop and distribute Powershell module

In spite of the fact that in the Internet there tons of various guides and instructions on how to create your own Powershell module, after all, even the official documentation does not give full understanding, how to correctly create module with flexibility\scalability for easy addition of functions.

I spent several hours to learn and read some articles, and, as usual, came to my own approach, which seems to me adequately comfortable, elastic, and which I want to share with you all now.

powershell (en)

  • Hits: 2435

Nginx-Ingress controller doesn't working after Kubernetes 1.24+ upgrade in Azure AKS

Nginx-Ingress controller doesn't working after Kubernetes 1.24+ upgrade in Azure AKS

My customer require that we have supported versions of software installed, and I'm forced to upgrade Kubernetes as well according to the support policy of Kubernetes releases in Azure.

Last Kubernetes 1.24+ upgrade was not very clean - Nginx-ingress controller failed, and all our applications stopped responding.

azure (en), kubernetes (en), aks (en)

  • Hits: 6213

Mount local folder to a container as a volume in Helm

Mount local folder to a container as a volume in Helm

Some time ago I switched to another project, that is working completely in Kubernetes on Azure AKS. Honestly, I tried to use Azure Monitor for monitoring of infrastructure and application, but I didn't succeed.

So I've decided to return to my deeply loved Zabbix, run it in Kubernetes, send e-mails and notifications to Microsoft Teams and show graphs and panels in Grafana.

Of course, a question appeared, how to deploy it to Kubernetes, how to configure, how to upload my custom scripts?

Helm (en)

  • Hits: 5925

Query pods logs of Azure Kubernetes from Log Analytics

Query pods logs of Azure Kubernetes from Log Analytics

When you create Azure Kubernetes Service cluster (AKS), you can specify Log Analytics resource for logging and monitoring of Kubernetes resources: pods, services, configmaps, etc. This thing is actually installing Log Analytics agent inside your cluster (there will be several pods and related resources like configmaps), which then will send stdout and stderr outputs from pods to Log Analytics.

Unfortunately, the schema of these logs inside Log Analytics is quite complex, mostly because that the log record is coming from container, but not the pod, so they have multiple tables, which we must connect to get human-readable logging data.

azure (en), aks (en)

  • Hits: 6193

Error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pkg_resources'" after upgrading 'py3-setuptools' package in Alpine Linux container

Error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pkg_resources'" after upgrading 'py3-setuptools' package in Alpine Linux container

I'm using 'boky/postfix' docker image for emails sending from my Kubernetes-cluster. Recently security scanning system started alerting me about vulnerability in the 'py3-setuptools' package (Alpine Linux), which I can mitigate by upgrading that package to the latest version.

As usually, I'm going to my custom Dockerfile and updating string for explicit package upgrade...

linux (en), docker (en), containers (en)

  • Hits: 2525

How to check Alpine Linux version inside container

How to check Alpine Linux version inside container

While working with many applications in containers, especially if you're not building them yourself, it's not always clear, what type of base operating system you're using.

There are two commands below to quickly check Alpine Linux version (will work for most distributives, actually) from the console:

linux (en), alpine (en), docker (en), containers (en)

  • Hits: 4922

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