Deny access to Exchange ECP from Internet with IIS ARR Reverse Proxy
Exchange 2010 and 2013 partially managed with Exchange Control Panel (ECP). It's a web-service running on IIS on Client Access Server. There is a problem: when you publish OWA in the Internet, you automatically publish ECP to the Internet too. And this is a security issue.
If you use IIS ARR as Reverse Proxy for publishing Exchange to the Internet, you can create rule that will block access to URLs like
exchange (en), exchange 2013 (en), exchange 2010 (en)
- Hits: 10171
STARTTLS issues in mail server MDaemon on Windows Server 2003
Recently MDaemon that installed on Windows Server 2003, ceased to send or receive messages from\to some mail servers. As it turned out, the problem is in the obsolete SSL\TLS protocols on Windows Server 2003.
Symptoms (cut from log):
- Hits: 5480
iSCSI CHAP password in QNAP storages
In QNAP storages you cannot change or reset password for iSCSI target using web interface. You can only delete target and create it again. Of course you will lose all data from target.
Fortunately, password stored in plain text in /etc/config/iscsi_trgt.conf file, field CHAPPasswd. There is field for CHAP user also. You can connect to the device using Putty and find password without need to reset the whole target.
- Hits: 11555
Reset password of local administrator account in Windows 2000 / 2003 / XP / Vista / 2008 / R2 / 2012 / R2 / 8 / 8.1
Unfortunately, sometimes we cannot log in into Windows-system because we have lost or forgot password local administrator account.
Fortunately, there is a way to reset this password ;). Now I will show you, how to do this. I recommend to add this article to your bookmarks, to have this manual when you're really need it :-).
First of all, you will need to download this iso image. We will use it to reset password. Burn image to CD-disk or mount it into your virtual machine (in my case it was exactly in VM). Boot from the image.
After booting, you will get the following picture.
- Hits: 3752
Deleting old files and folders in Powershell
Task is clear from title - we need to delete old files from some directory. There are many cases in life, when you will need to perform such operation. For example - delete old backups.
- Hits: 13145
Common problems while logging into Lync 2010/2013
Sometimes Lync 2010/2013 client cannot login to the server. You may be sure that user account enabled in Lync Server, all caches are cleared, but anyway Lync client give error.
Lync 2010 login issues
Lync 2010 have less issues, so we'll deal with it first.
First af all, you must clear local cache in user profile: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Communicator\. You can completely delete this folder.
Second, Lync 2010 have issue, when user try to login before it was enabled in Lync Server, something in client goes wrong and after it was enabled in Server, client still cannot login. The same issues can occur when some fields in Active Direcotry user account is changed.
To fix this issue you mush reset account settings in Lync 2010 client:
lync 2013 (ru), lync 2010 (ru)
- Hits: 5917
Autoreply messages (Out of Office) not sent in Exchange 2010/2013
I had a problem yesterday with my hybrid Exchange 2010 + 2013 installation. One user set up out-of-office message but it does not sending. Nor in internal domain neither external users.
- We have checked if user forwarding emails to some other users. All good forwarding was net set.
- Also we have disabled all Inbox rules (there was one rule that forwarded messages).
- We have tried to move mailbox to other database (in case corrupted data).
- We tried to disable and enable reply messaging.
- We have reviewed mail flow rules on transport servers.
All these actions didnt give answer.
exchange (en), exchange 2013 (en), exchange 2010 (en)
- Hits: 9617
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