Invoking commands in Linux systems via SSH with the help of Powershell
In one of my projects, I was needed to write a script that will send SMS messages. We already had Linux server with GSM-modem that accepted commands sent by SSH. So, I was only needed to connect from Windows system to Linux with SSH protocol.
I tried to use the SSH-Session module for Powershell, but it have some issues when sending commands. So I started to work with Posh-SSH module.
Lets install Posh-SSH:
PS H:\> iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("") Downloading latest version of Posh-SSH from File saved to C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local\Temp\ Uncompressing the Zip file to C:\Users\user1\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules Renaming folder Module has been installed
Restart Powershell session and try to add module into environment:
Import-Module posh-ssh
For my task I needed the following commands:
- New-SSHSession
- Invoke-SshCommand
- Get-SSHSession
- Remove-SshSession
From the names of commands it's clear what they do: initialize connection to SSH server, invoke command, get object of connection, close connection.
New-SSHSession need credentials to connect, so you must get them with Get-Credential commandlet.
Here is my simple construction for using of module:
Import-Module posh-ssh; $credential = Get-Credential; New-SSHSession -ComputerName -Credential $credential; Invoke-SshCommand -index 0 -Command ; # -index 0 - thats id of connection. Usually 0. You can get this id with Get-SSHSession. Get-SSHSession | Remove-SshSession;
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