Slow work of Veeam Backup & Replication GUI interface

Slow work of Veeam Backup & Replication GUI interface

The longer you work with Veeam Backup & Replication, the lower and lower its interface work. Apparently, this is because Veeam stores in database information about all sessions of the interface. Once they become so numerous that queries to the database begin to slow down.

So we need:

  1. Set up Veeam to not to store all this unneeded information.
  2. Delete existing data from database.
  3. Truncate and shrink database.

After performing these steps, my Veeam client started to work much faster.

Store only the necessary minimum

  1. Select Options from the main menu.
  2. Click the History tab.
  3. In the Sessions section, specify the number of sessions to display in the Sessions list of the History view. I dont think you need more than 100.
  4. In the Session history retention section, specify the number of sessions to keep in the Veeam Backup & Replication database. By default - 53 weeks, i.e. 1 year. As for me, you will not need more than 8-12 weeks.

Changing Session history retention in Veeam Backup & Replication

Remove old data from the database

  1. Stop all Veeam services. From Powershell: Get-Service veeam* | Start-Service. But you can use Services snap-in from Windows Administrative tools.
  2. Connect to Veeam SQL database with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  3. Expand the database down to Stored Procedures and find DropStoppedOldJobSessions procedure: Programmability > Stored Procedures > DropStoppedOldJobSessions.
  4. Right click - and select Execute Stored Procedure.
  5. In the window that appears enter how many days you want to keep. For example, 30.
  6. Long process of data processing will start.

Delete old data about sessions from the Veeam Backup & Replication database

Truncate and shrink Veeam database

This procedure is not mandatory, but will save 1-2 GB on system disk.

  1. In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio right-click the database and select New Query.
  2. Paste the following script:
    use VeeamBackup
    alter database VeeamBackup set recovery simple
    backup database VeeamBackup to disk = 'NUL' with init
    dbcc shrinkfile (N'VeeamBackup_log' , 1)
    dbcc shrinkfile (N'VeeamBackup' , 1)
  3. Start script (F5).
  4. Wait until it finished.

veeam (en), backup (en)

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